Energy Logic
IN 1984 ENVIRONMENTAL ATTORNEY WAYNE ROBERTSON set out to design a product that would safely and efficiently burn used oil. After several months of research into product design and the properties of waste oil, Wayne hired Gene Briggs, a world-renowned engineer, and Chris Gansel, and togther, they began developing their used-oil heater. They named the company Black Gold and turned their passion for engineering and research into six design patents and a proprietary technology that would break new ground in terms of reliability and efficiency.
Nearly two decades later, the work begun by Wayne, Gene and their team of talented engineers continues. In 2002, Black Gold became EnergyLogic, and the company that had spent so many years focused on producing the industry's best product renewed its commitment to providing the industry's best service, support, and professionalism.
Today, our products continue to lead the field. Our nationwide distributor network is growing, and the vision of an environmental lawyer and a product engineer all those years ago is benefiting EnergyLogic customers everywhere.
Headquartered in San Bernardino, CA, MacroAir is the pioneer of the HVLS (High-Volume, Low-Speed) fan industry. We are dedicated to continually innovating and perfecting the world’s most efficient fans for businesses. MacroAir products are made in the USA, but can be found around the world creating comfortable climates in a more cost-effective and energy-efficient way than traditional fans and HVAC systems.